Saudi Arabia - Our day trip to Hofuf!

Wild dogs on the drive to Hofuf.. and my friends wonder why I have a dog phobia! They look harmless, BUT they are cold blooded killers!! bah!

Getting to Hofuf was no problem.. finding the camel market, however, was near impossible!! We easily asked about half a dozen locals where the market was.. half denied its existence.. the other half gave us contradictory directions... Finally, we asked an odd bunch of Saudis in a tiny groccery store.. They consulted with other Saudis, and after much deliberation, we collectively drew out a map, confirmed by the elders, showing us the way to the ever elusive camel market. The Saudis were really friendly and funny; I think they realized that we didnt know what we were getting ourselves into.. hehe.. Anyways.. my dad got into an argument with the owner of the camels in this picture.. The owner tried to charge us for the picture.. My dad, however, insisted that he had told him that we could take it for free.. My mom thought he mentioned something about a fee.. and we simply misunderstood him and thought it was a fee for riding the camel... I thought he probably wasnt even the owner of the camels! We didnt stay long! The camels all seemed to be in a foul mood.. but apparently that is the only mood for a camel..

The market was also brimming with sheep. They were quite shaggy looking sheep. If we slowed our car down people would look at us and approach us with their sheep.. it looked like a buyers market!
The caves in Hofuf were impressive, peaceful, and beautiful. I'll shut up for a bit and let you enjoy the pictures..