UAE - Loose Ends..
I think this is a pic of us landing in Dubai..

I just found these pics that my sister took of Abu Dhabi..

The next bunch of pics are from a camping trip to a place called Hatta. I think parts of it are owned by Dubai and parts by Oman.. This time I went with a different group of family members.. There were lots of kids! I decided to pack very light..

It's an interesting geographic area.. Ocassionally these valleys flow with quite a bit of water.. For that reason, it's common to find trees and other sorts of plant life growing at the bottom of these dry valleys.. it can look pretty odd sometimes.

Yes, I was "roughing" it again.. The parents and little kids stayed in these huts.. each with its own nice hot shower! Since I was neither a parent, nor a small child (debatable).. I slept in the majlis hut.. A majlis is usually a room in a house where arabs laze around on pillows.. play cards.. smoke shisha.. mix politics, religion and too much coffee.. This, however, was a majlis hut.. or more like a barn.. The doors were open throughout the day.. and the holes and large gaps between the thin boards of wood were not very reassuring.. anything could have crawled or slithered in! How exciting!! :) I was not alone though.. two of my young nephews were with me. We entertained ourselves for most of the night..

Yes, I was the fool who blasted the soccer ball over the edge.. It was fun and dangerous running down to the bottom of the valley.. Kids, dont do it!!

The infamous hut!