The Yemen Chronicles Part 4- Ibb and Nadra
The pictures below are just a continuation of my trip to Jibla.. I felt like dividing the pictures in two posts.. don't ask why.. Ibb is a fairly large city in the southwestern part of Yemen. The history of Ibb apparently goes back to 1000 yrs BCE. I don't know much else.. sorry!

My dad says that traffic is a sign of progress!
I'm not sure where this is.. If you see a car with yellow plates it means it's a taxi. Every other car in Yemen is a taxi.. and every other taxi is near prehistoric. . Gasoline prices in Yemen are low due to heavy government subsidies. In fact, people are starting to smuggle gasoline into Saudia Arabia, that's how cheap it is!
In San'a it's common to see tiny mini van buses.. they're called Dab'abs. They drive on designated routes with their side door open.. I think they have to keep it open by law.. so if anything happens the passengers can just hop out! Anyways.. I'm digressing too much..

These kids were playing Karem in the epicentre of the traffic jam! Crazy mountain people..

Often I would wonder what life was like for kids like these.

I hardly saw any camels in Yemen. These two are probably best friends.

I wish I could have had a closer look at that house in the distance! This is a great country for hermits.

Ok.. here's Ibb..

I took this picture from a restaurant atop one of the peaks. It has a great panoramic view of the city.. but the place is a bit shabby.
While we were eating, a group of boyscouts marched by chanting and banging on their drums. It happened to be a national holiday! The holiday celebrates the day that the Yemeni's kicked the British out.

Now we're heading to Nadra..

Hey eep, are you there? Do you see those birds?! I took this picture for you!

Here we are, approaching Nadra... it is quite lovely.

heading back home..