it smells different 

Friday, May 20, 2005

UK - Sheffield

After a day or two in London, Jalal drove us (Wawie, Looney, and I) a few hours north to his lovely apartment in Sheffield. This was a place of relaxation.. everyone slept in each day.. Usually by the time everyone was up and ready to go outside it was around sunset.. So we saw Sheffield mostly at night.. and there's nothing wrong with that! It's a pretty nice place.. lots of students.. there's a big university there. Jalal has some great friends and he's great company so we all had a great time.. thanks again Jalal (and Hiba too)!

Here's the view from Jalal's apt..

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For some odd reason, on one day Wawie and I were both awake during the daylight hours and we were both presentable, so we ventured outside and took some pics..

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Some pics of us bowling with Jalal and his friends,

Here's Ma'moun! Affectionately called Laymoun by Jalal.. (sorry if i spelled it wrong!)

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We also played some pool.. here's Kenny.. with a serious shot.

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One day Jalal started telling us about this place called the Peat District.. or something like that.. Apparently, it's a pretty nice place by day.. but really spooky at night!! There's one section of road there called the snake's pass.. The road gets very windy.. its pitch dark.. and its impossible to get any reception on your cell phone.. A lot of crazy things have happened on this snakes pass.. So naturally he took us there..

i noticed this little frog upon exiting the car

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there's a really old building with a moat.. i think it was a castle.. but it was so dark it was hard to make it out..

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a deer in headlights..

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We also went to this "haunted house" .. people still live inside.. and they're a bit crazy.. Mazen wanted to wander around.. the rest of us just wanted to drive away.

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Don't these two look like criminals?

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