United Kingdom - London
Anyways.. after 6 months of R&R in the Middle East, I headed north to London, our rendez vous point.. We were to also meet with Wawie, Jalal, some other cousins and an Aunty.
Here are a few pics of London..
Jalal, Looney, Me

Picadidly.. the guy to the right of me is my cousin Khalid.. doesnt he look like Looney? Yes.. they're cousins too.. hehe

China Town

A crab that almost escaped China Town ..

This picture is for Hadi and Eep.. Axis and Allies.. we all know who dominated..

Here's Big Ben..

I have to agree with Jalal when he told me that it looks like we're standing behind a painting..

The exchange of contact information.. Jalal and Khalid had never met before.. and yes.. they are cousins too.

Jalal's comfy car.. if you see these plates get outta the way..

He's got about three screens in here.. sorry its outta focus..

Some night life..

Wembley Stadium at night.. it's almost completed..