it smells different 

Friday, December 03, 2004

Saudi Arabia - Potpourri

Hey Ya'll,

I'm still in Yemen.. I was in Dubai earlier but I'm going to show u some pics of Saudia.. the last pics from there.. heheh.. these are just some miscellaneous pics that, for one reason or another, I want you to see..

Sandeep.. these are the Tintin books I was telling u about.. I used to read these same books when I was a kid.. I tried to buy them off the librarian.. but he was being a fool... You can see how the kids have been treating these precious books. I had to keep myself from crying!!

Bobo this is the humanoid-sized chess board I was telling u about. Unfortunately, this day they were cleaning the pieces.. :(

This is our Mazda station wagon in Saudi.. its about as old as I am.. It's cool when all the warning lights are flashing .. as they are in picture..

I just like the sand in this picture..

At night things are very peaceful... but if u get close to the ground.. u'll see world of frenzy.. as nocturnal bugs crawl this way and that.. frantically going nowhere in particular

Shaq this picture is for u!

This is a small part of Thuqbah.. the place where u can get anything on your car fixed or "fiddled" with.. for the right price of course.

Zahra.. this is your old friend.. remember him??

And this is my favourite sidewalk in the whole wide world.

Here's the bus stop by our old house.. it was first just a bus stop.. then it became a small groccery store and a bus stop.. then it was just a bus stop.. and now its a full blown restaurant and yes.. a bus stop too.. its actually very busy in the evening.

Here are some bugs.. .. ok.. this is the end of the saudi pics.. Sorry for the large pictures.. halfway through I got too lazy to resize (or rotate) them.. I'm tired and my feet are cold.. so I'll just say gbye.

Pictures of Yemen will come very soon.. have a nice day.