it smells different 

Friday, January 20, 2006

Oman Revisited- New Years & Misc


As some of you know, I spent my x-mass holidays in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Oman. I didn't take too many pics of Dubai or Abu Dhabi, I did, however, take many pics in Oman.. so that's what you'll see for the next few posts.. Below are a few photos (which I almost forgot about) from a new years party in Muscat and some other pics.. enjoy.

This is my cousin's cousin's (no that's not a mistake) pyramid shaped house.. it's pretty cool.

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The party was a 'sea-world' theme.. i went dressed as a Omani fisherman

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The view from their back yard.

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It started raining heavily soon after midnight.

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In case of emergency, break glass and ride off in a harley.

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lots of pirates with cell phones..

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Aunty Latifa's rooftop a few days before with my cousin and his cousins..

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The confused roosters next door.... seriously confused.

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Ghada conversing with the Baboon

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Maha - hates it when doors are left open.. can assemble an M-16 before you have a chance to "explain" and is totally obsessed with Friends.

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Wawie - loves to cross the road without looking.. enjoys eating cheese for breakfast and tends to leave doors open.

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Hana - is able to knit complicated sock puppets with her toes. Warning: Do not look directly into her eyes.

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Aunty Latifa's farm..

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a pair of giggling farm hands

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The beach next to Aunty Latifa's house.. What are you look at?

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yes.. i know this is the most exciting commentary so far.. stay tuned for more mind boggling superfluidity of thought.. observe the beach once again.. eep i took this pic for you btw

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fishermen boats.. which they use to catch fish.. from the sea.. in boats.. amazing.

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stay tuned for more pictures from the Sultanate of Oman.. long live Qabooose..